Monovarietal of Rosciola dei Colli Esini
From the Rosciola dei Colli Esini an oil with a light harmonic fruity, with a characteristic floral scent, is obtained.

Rosciola dei Colli Esini is a typical variety of the Ancona area. It is widespread especially in the hinterland of the Province of Ancona and in particular in the hills around Jesi. It is a medium vigor tree, the color of the fruits is tendentially light green. During the maturation phase, the cheek turns purple-red. The yield is poor, but the oil is of excellent quality.
From the Rosciola dei Colli Esini an oil with a light harmonic fruity is obtained, with a characteristic floral scent, basically sweet, light yellow in color. It has a strong flavor in the vegetal sensations, prevailing scent of fresh almond and light sensations of grass and artichoke with a spicy hint.
It has a straw yellow color with green reflections. Color is not a quality index, but depends on the variety of olives. Rosciola oil is basically light yellow.
It is a very balanced and delicate oil. It is particularly suitable for medium consistency dishes, fish soups and raw vegetables. It is preferred by those who do not like bitter and spicy.
How to conserve
The rule applies to any type of cultivar: it must be kept in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 18/20 degrees. Once the package is opened (can or bag in box) it is advisable to transfer the oil into smaller containers so that it is as little as possible in contact with oxygen. It must be protected from light (do not use transparent bottles), from air and heat. The oil absorbs odors so it is better not to use oil cruets and always close the bottle or can. It is important to know that the deadline (18 months from bottling) is only indicative. After this date, the oil does not become harmful and therefore can be used without any risk to health. However, it loses the intensity and fragrance of aromas and flavors.
Olio di grande qualità, lo si nota al primo assaggio. Assolutamente soddisfatto dell’acquisto e sicuramente ne prenderò altri.
Olio marchigiano di qualità, con la Rosciola dei Colli Esini si va sul sicuro perché da queste parti l’olio è buonissimo!
Mi sono fatto incuriosire dal nome perche volevo provare un prodotto del territorio anche da far assaggiare ai miei amici… sono rimasti tutti sorpresi dalla qualità
in famiglia siamo 5 e consumiamo molto olio come si può immaginare. Mia madre lo usa quasi sempre a crudo o per metterlo sul pane a crudo a mio nonno e lui dice che gli piace un sacco perché il sapore gli ricorda l’olio che faceva con le olive della sua campagna. Consegna veloce, lo consiglio!

Our oil mill
In San Marcello, in the center of the olive grove, the company oil mill was built, a structure of almost 300 square meters. In addition to the oil mill (the room where the oil is extracted)…
Sebastiano –
A tavola fa decisamente la sua figura, sia per quanto riguarda la bottiglia che per il sapore. Acquisto top